A Wildy Audacious Dream

January 12, 2024

I have a wildly audacious hope and dream. I’ve had it for a while. I don’t talk about it often but it guides a lot of what I do.

And while I don’t write much about my professional and advocacy work on this platform, I’ve had a few meaningful conversations with individuals and groups lately that make me feel it is time to just put it out there.

I dream that all of our schools are places that are emotionally safe for kids and for the adults who work with them. I dream that all of our schools are focused on joyful learning and engagement and regulation, not on compliance and shame. I dream that children and adults feel seen and heard. I dream that children and adults feel worthy and valued, knowing they belong. I dream that all systems and structures within our schools are healthy and supportive, not toxic and rooted in fear.

Where we listen to our kids and make decisions based on what they need. Where there is emphasis on being responsive and proactive.

I hear so many stories and have had many experiences that are not reflective of this dream. Stories from children, educators, and parents. The impact of the harm is so incredibly damaging and can be lifelong.

I am so grateful to work in a place where students are the focus and people are treated with kindness and care. I also recognize this is not true in many places.

This needs to change.

I don’t exactly know how I’m going to do it but I stay open and do things as they present themselves. I have a few things in motion. And I figure it can’t help to make it more public, more visible. I’m planning to post more about this moving forward. And to keep focusing on advocacy, training, and support locally, regionally, and nationally.

Our kids and those who show up for them each day in schools around the country deserve to learn and work in emotionally safe and healthy environments. The end.

Photo Credit: Kristen Koppers Photography

Thank you to Katy Anne for sharing the quote from Jonathan Louis Dent.


Amplifying Voices: A Passion Project


When Jon is Away