
May 20, 2023

For the second time in a few months, we made a spontaneous decision to go see a completely unfamiliar show an hour before the curtain went up.

This time, Six.

I had no idea what it was about beforehand.

Halfway through the show, I was concerned about the messaging and was already planning the talk I was going to have with Hannah Grace in the car on the way home.

A talk about

-the dangers of comparison

-not getting your value from someone else

-the history of monarchy and patriarcy

the importance of lifting up other women instead of comparing and tearing them down

And then,

the show shifted.

In a sparkly display of sass and style, the actors took each of these messages on and handled it!


Hannah Grace told me afterward that she totally saw it coming.

10/10. Highly recommend.


Opposite of a Pink Jeep


Next Level Track