Love Tears

June 23, 2023

Once I finally learned that feeling our feelings is important, healthier than stuffing them inside, I have embraced crying.

Tears now show up during disappointment, fear, overwhelm, inadequacy, injury, anger.

But they also show up for another reason.


And over the past two days, this kind have been flowing pretty freely.

-Watching students who are typically quiet embrace courage, find their voice and speak and sing and write for everyone to hear.

-Listening to insightful reflections of the year.

-Celebrating beautiful examples of growth and learning.

-Sitting with those who are hurting.

-Sharing concern about a circumstance involving a student.

-Feeling heard and seen and understood and supported.

-Saying “see-you-later” to people who helped you heal…People who hold special places in your heart and always will.


Summer Project


Solstice Day!