An Idea
July 14, 2022
Okay, friends in education. I need some help. I’ve had this idea for over a year and haven’t moved forward with it because #fear.
Fear of uncertainty, fear about whether it will get off the ground. Fear about not getting enough sleep.
But I just can’t shake the feeling that this is the next right thing. So, let me lay the groundwork:
I’m part of a number of virtual communities that are amazing - uplifting, encouraging, empowering. They have taught me and helped me so much.
But there is nothing quite like them that I have found for educators (Maybe I just haven’t stumbled on it yet ). And I believe connection is soooo incredibly important.
So, I want to create and foster an encouraging and supportive virtual community for educators. I’ve had the FB group ready for a while but haven’t made it active because I wanted to be thoughtful and really prepared. And then I realized this may be like deciding whether to have a child - you’re never fully prepared, sometimes you just jump right in, and you may lose some sleep and that’s okay.
There are so many elements to this in my head but here is my first short-term idea that I need some help with.
I’m considering leading a FB Live where anyone (especially educators) can jump on once a week for about 10 minutes (or watch the replay) while they are getting ready for work, drinking their coffee or tea or caffeine, and connect through a morning meeting of sorts. I have some ideas of what we could include, like funny and encouraging stories, school shoutouts, supporting schools/educators who may be going through something really hard, a joke of the day you can tell your students, giveaways, etc.
Here’s what I’d love to know from you:
Would this be something you would watch and interact with?
What time of day would be most convenient?
What would you want to be included?
What would be the most helpful to you as an educator and as a person? Anything you want to learn more about?
What other ideas do you have??????
Help a girl out, please!!!!